Two Years, Still Counting

It completely passed me by that last week, I passed the two year mark of owning my health again…


I’ll not bore you with lots of pics or anything on progress since my one year mark that I posted about last year. I just thought I’d post a brief update to show you that it absolutely is sustainable, as long as you decide it is.

My weight has been steady over this time period. My body composition has changed dramatically over the past year though. I’ve added muscle and lost fat. My performance, endurance, and athleticism have all improved significantly, and I continue to get better.

Oh, and I’ll be in my last year of my 30’s very soon…

It’s not too late for you. Whether you’re a teenager or approaching (or in) your senior years, you can reclaim your own health. It’s up to you.

It may not look exactly the same as my journey, I know. There may be physical limitations to what you can do, but there is, without a doubt, a pathway for you to reclaim your own health.

The toughest part of your body to get motivated to change is the 6 inches between your ears. You have to look in the mirror and make the decision every single day.

You also have to make the decision to forgive yourself for the days you don’t do well.

It might help to build in some flexibility to your eating. No one can sustain perfect eating all the time. I’ve said it many times, I have something as unhealthy as pizza more than once a week. I typically eat a very healthy breakfast and lunch. Dinner is typically healthy, or at least reasonable, but you can bet I’m gonna have a burger or fried chicken a couple of times per week.

I still log it. Every, single, day.

You CAN do it! Get a coach/accountability partner if you need to, but there are no shortcuts. None. Whatsoever. Discipline. hard work, and flexibility (not talking splits, I’m talking regimen and diet flexibility) are essential and mandatory. Not optional.
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!



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